Gabion Wall Systems

Gabions, or gabion retaining walls, are free-draining walls that are constructed using a galvanized metal cage filled with loose fill materials. All kinds of masonry materials make excellent fill options in gabions due to their density and durability.

Flexibility is a main feature of gabions, as the cages can be manufactured in a number of modular sizes and the fill options are bound only by your imagination.

From reclaimed brick and concrete block rubble, to the endless palettes and sizes found in natural stone. There is a gabion fill material for virtually every preference.

Not just for looks

In addition to providing another way to display the natural beauty of masonry materials, a gabion’s purpose is also to provide sound support for hardscape applications and erosion resistance.

A gabion wall is designed and engineered with certain width to height ratios based on the application and loads. They can follow grade lines, tapered elevations, and also can be built in a terraced fashion for planting options. All these options can be achieved and maintained with minimal deformation and will not crack like formed concrete can.

Ask us how a gabion wall system could be used on your next project.